Flu and older adults: How to stay healthy
When it comes to the flu, older people belong to the risk group. Read here to find out why seniors over 60 are more susceptible, how to recognise flu symptoms and what measures can help prevent infection. You can also discover how the free flu vaccination protects against current influenza viruses and strengthens your health.

Flu vaccine: effective protection against influenza
Every year, the flu epidemic shows once again how important it is to protect yourself in good time. In Austria, 22,650 cases of flu were recorded between November and January in the 2023 flu season alone. The most effective way to protect yourself from infection by influenza viruses is the flu vaccination. The vaccine provides targeted protection against the virus variants that are expected in the respective season. Thanks to the public vaccination programme (ÖIP), the influenza vaccination will even be free of charge for everyone in the coming 2024/25 season.
How to prevent a flu infection
In addition to the vaccination, the following preventative measures should be taken during the flu season:
- Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly - ideally with soap and water
- When coughing or sneezing - use disposable tissues or sneeze into the crook of your arm
- Ventilate rooms regularly - provides fresh air and removes potential viruses in the room
- Avoid shaking hands - to prevent passing germs on to others
What to do in case of illness?
If you do become infected, you are advised to stay at home to prevent the virus from spreading. Contact with babies, pregnant women or people with weakened immune defences should be avoided in particular. Also make sure you take it easy, drink plenty of fluids and take medication to alleviate symptoms if necessary - but always consult your doctor about the latter!
Flu is characterised by the typical symptoms:
- Fieber
- Trockener, schmerzhafter Husten
- Muskel- sowie Gliederschmerzen
- Starke Kopfschmerzen
- Halsschmerzen
- Extreme Schwäche und Erschöpfung
- Gelegentlich Schnupfen
These symptoms often occur suddenly and more intensely than with a cold. Depending on the person, sweating or gastrointestinal complaints may also occur. If the symptoms are severe or persistent, you should definitely consult a doctor. Medical clarification is particularly important for older people and other risk groups.
APO24 tip: Symptoms similar to those of flu can also occur with a COVID-19 infection. If in doubt, have a coronavirus test carried out to avoid infecting others and to initiate the right treatment.
Why older people are particularly at risk
The immune system becomes less effective with increasing age. As a result, people over 60 are more susceptible to severe courses of flu and possible life-threatening complications such as pneumonia, myocarditis or encephalitis. Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma or cardiovascular disease further increase this risk.
In addition to the flu vaccination, antiviral medication can help to alleviate the course of the illness in serious cases - as long as it is taken within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. Antibiotics, on the other hand, are only effective against bacterial complications and do not help against the flu itself.
Conclusion: protection starts with the flu vaccination
The flu and the coming flu season harbour considerable risks, especially for older people. The annual flu vaccination in combination with hygiene and behavioural rules is the best way to protect yourself and others from influenza. Take advantage of the free vaccination programme and stay healthy!
Do you need more information about the flu vaccine or medication to alleviate your symptoms? Contact your doctor or pharmacist. You can find the opening hours and on-call services of Austrian pharmacies on APO24.
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