Headaches due to iron deficiency: signs
Headaches and migraines are one of the most common illnesses in Austria. Most headaches have no serious cause and are often a side effect of excessive stress or a change in the weather. Nevertheless, the pain can also be a sign of a deficiency. A very common cause is iron deficiency, as those affected often complain of headaches in addition to the symptoms of tiredness, exhaustion and concentration problems.

Iron deficiency as a cause of headaches
Iron plays a crucial role in many of the body's functions, including the production of red blood cells. If the body receives too little iron, it has to fall back on its iron reserves. However, as soon as the reserves are exhausted, it uses the iron in the blood. The resulting symptoms can vary in nature: from mental moods, tiredness, dizziness and insomnia to regular headaches.
Recognizing iron deficiency: 5 tips
- Iron deficiency symptoms are often referred to as everyday complaints that are not always recognized immediately. Nevertheless, these are the first warning signals by which our body wants to tell us that something is wrong.
- Symptoms that occur in combination can signal an iron deficiency. Headaches and dizziness are common side effects. Hair loss together with brittle nails also indicates iron deficiency.
- If symptoms persist, occur frequently or even worsen, caution is advised. People with regular headaches or migraines could be suffering from a disease or iron deficiency.
- To determine whether iron deficiency could be the cause, it is advisable to carry out a self-test as a first step.
- Regardless of the pain, the causes and symptoms should always be clarified by a doctor. Iron deficiency anemia is usually diagnosed by a blood test.
Preventing headaches due to iron deficiency
Treating headaches due to iron deficiency can be very simple. However, there are also some myths that are not always entirely true. For example, an iron-rich diet can help the body to prevent headaches. However, this alone is not always enough - especially when foods that inhibit the absorption of iron, such as coffee, are consumed. People with headaches in particular often tend to drink coffee, as it is said to have a soothing effect.
Say goodbye to headaches with the right iron therapy
If the blood test shows that you have an iron deficiency, it can be treated with the right therapy. This may include iron tablets, juices or capsules, which you can obtain from the pharmacy after consulting your doctor. An iron infusion or injection is also possible. The therapy must be adapted to the individual needs of the patient in order to guarantee effective treatment. What such treatment looks like in your case and hokopfschmerzenw long it lasts should be discussed with the doctor treating you. In any case, it is clear that successful treatment can also provide pleasant relief from headaches.
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